Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Last Day of Poetry Month

    Fear To become fearful of everything   You become anxious  You start to have doubt Looking for terror in every corner Feeling the uneasiness in the air  Nerves are heightened  The body then is paralyzed It is the opposite of calmness your body wants for itself The emotion of fear is hard to undo Constant panic…

  • Cosmopolitan

    Cosmopolitan Magazine  Young women bringing a new take to the world  Funny, Flirty, and Sexy Elegantness, worldliness, and seductiveness   Driven with ambition  Pulse on pop culture  Knowledge on sex Advice on relationships  Reading about new fashion trends  All these things make a cosmos reader  Nothing about the magazine is unadventurous  Flipping through the pages you’ll…

  • Vogue

    Vogue They call it The Fashion Bible The top and most influential fashion magazine in the world  Vogue magazine’s bold, black, and sleek Vogue Logo is printed  Knowing high fashion words and pictures between the pages  The magazine helps shape modern fashion trends  Many talked about covers of top models, singers, actors, and celebrities  The…

  • Two Generations Intertwined

     Everyone has a definition of when young adulthood age ends. Some say ages from eighteen to twenty-five, some say ages from eighteen to thirty, some say ages from eighteen to thirty-five, and some say ages from eighteen to thirty-nine. Multiple people say that the thirties are still young. Why are we rushing to be older?…

  • Childlike Wonder

    Always the curious mind you have  Always wondering about the mysteries of the universe  Always questioning everything you hear or see Always researching with a book, laptop, or iPhone in hand  Always wanting to know all of the answers  Always never left the childlike wonder that all children have  Always keep the ability of awe…

  • Night

    For four minutes in the middle of the day, it became night Darkness falls  You can see the stars clearer You can look up at the sky and not need sunglasses to look up  It is pitch black and you need light to see The lights in your car automatically turn on to help you…

  • Solar Eclipse

    Solar Eclipse When the moon covers the sun This does not happen every day This is a special occasion  Everyone gathers outside to see People look enthusiastic at the moment when they can look at the sky when the sun and moon met  Hearing the crickets chirping and bugs coming out of the ground confused…

  • Mine Not Yours

    When you find success, you will be different from mine When you find love, you will be different from mine  When you find out when  Just know that everyone’s timeline will look different Do not move yours at hyper-speed  Just know all of our timelines will look different  And that is okay

  • Smell The Roses

    Take time to sit still and smell the roses in the garden Do not think of anything else Letting your head spin a thousand miles per hour will not help Carve free time for yourself  Not two minutes out of the day but free yourself for longer time  Removing yourself for the busy world is…

  • A Few Things

    There are many things that people like in this world But, there are a few things that people love in this world There are many things that we are amateurs at  But, there are only a few things that we are experts in There are many dilettante hobbies we will do throughout our lifetime But,…

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